
This story is not one persons story, this story is not a story at all. Because this is happening every working day. I can’t mention too many freelancers story in this post but i can tell overall story in short. Hope you all and oDesk will love it.

A student finished his study and he jumped into an training center, why ? Because he want to make his career as an independent contractor. So he is starting to build up his skills there(Training Center ). From a long time struggle he finally prepared to start his freelancing. Maybe he is a Graphics Designer or a Web Developer or so on. Now his main goal is to create an account into a good freelancing marketplace like @Odesk.
*** Creating an account will not give him the opportunity to start working. He Must complete his 100 % profile, he has to pass the tests, needs good portfolios, need to ad payment method, he has to verify his identity and many more… He also need to bid on jobs. But applying those jobs will not give him the job because there are so many freelancers out there doing the same thing. So he needs to think about it and need to bid carefully and from an long days efforts he got the first job. This is the day he was waiting for,this is the day he is struggling for. Finally he got a job. I this way he is building his career . After some years he made a great freelancer profile which is really very Important. You can call it a career profile which is an important part of his life. Finally his dreams came true.

If i ask you, what do you thing ? Building a good freelancing profile is easy ? What will be your answer ? Yeah, you will say no. Its not so easy to make a good freelancer profile at all.

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